Business Borrowing for Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs)

SMBs are the backbone of the US Economy.  That is why there are so many things the government has done to be sure these companies prosper so they can continue to employ people and sell their product or services thus making a positive impact on the economy.

 To help prove this point Uncle Sam has set aside 2.3 trillion for small to medium size businesses (SMBs) for their use. Over 200 programs are available for these businesses. There is proprietary software available that in minutes identifies how much they qualify for.  And what is more, there is no cost to check it out and if qualified, they don’t have to pay the funds back.

 This is basically, free money in the form of refund checks; tax credits against current and future income; and reduced business expenses. A lot of SMBs who qualify for these funds leave them behind out of lack of knowledge about their existence. To get a quick explanation of what’s possible click HERE and then fairly quickly find out what your business qualifies for.


If you are a business that is lacking in those areas that qualify you for the assistance the government offers ie, employees, major taxes, real property, or real property taxes; leasehold improvements, profits, major credit card usage; research and development, then your company might need a different approach. Or if you need some capital infusion quickly but lack collateral or your collateral is quite minimal you would need a different approach.  What if you are new in business, or have less than stellar credit, or you do not want to use your own money or collateral?  


Then you may want to have a look at a company like Guaranteed Funding.  This company does business funding guaranteeing $100K minimum.  They invite businesses to contact them to get free offers of funding.  There is no obligation to accept the offers they send. No credit check is required and there is no charge to receive an offer. Check the link to receive an application. Application for Funding


In a future article we will shed some light on real estate financing and also how to buy property with no money. Keep reading and feel free to e-mail me for comment or question at